tsfknn - Time Series Forecasting Using Nearest Neighbors
Allows forecasting time series using nearest neighbors regression Francisco Martinez, Maria P. Frias, Maria D. Perez-Godoy and Antonio J. Rivera (2019) <doi:10.1007/s10462-017-9593-z>. When the forecasting horizon is higher than 1, two multi-step ahead forecasting strategies can be used. The model built is autoregressive, that is, it is only based on the observations of the time series. The nearest neighbors used in a prediction can be consulted and plotted.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.54 score 11 stars 63 scripts 447 downloadsutsf - Univariate Time Series Forecasting
An engine for univariate time series forecasting using different regression models in an autoregressive way. The engine provides an uniform interface for applying the different models. Furthermore, it is extensible so that users can easily apply their own regression models to univariate time series forecasting and benefit from all the features of the engine, such as preprocessings or estimation of forecast accuracy.
Last updated 24 days ago
5.23 score 2 stars 4 scripts 165 downloadsvctsfr - Visualizing Collections of Time Series Forecasts
A way of visualizing collections of time series and, optionally their future values, forecasts for their future values and prediction intervals for the forecasts. A web-based GUI can be used to display the information in a collection of time series.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.29 score 1 stars 1 dependents 13 scripts 157 downloadsDGLMExtPois - Double Generalized Linear Models Extending Poisson Regression
Model estimation, dispersion testing and diagnosis of hyper-Poisson Saez-Castillo, A.J. and Conde-Sanchez, A. (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.12.009> and Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Huang, A. (2017) regression models.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.85 score 14 scripts 381 downloads